Methods of Shipment
Thank you for shopping at We have partnered with Fedex as our shipping provider. Despite the fact that your packages leave our warehouse at the same time, they may not all arrive at the same time. Please allow for several days for all packages to arrive before contacting us about missing products. If your order is too large for Fedex ground then we will ship your order on a pallet via Freight (additional fees may apply). In either event you will be sent a tracking number after your order has shipped. Our goal is to ship your order within 24 - 48 hours after payment has cleared. Our hours of operation are Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST. If you require additional shipping services please contact us at 1-800-637-9508 or by e-mail If you require changes to your shipping address after we have shipped your order additional shipping charges (address correction) will apply.
We will notify you via email when your order ships. The email will include a tracking number for your shipment. Most companies provide an estimated delivery date. Be sure to contact us if you have concerns regarding the progress of the shipment. We have two methods of shipment available: Small Parcel and Truck Freight.
Expected Delivery
Please note, due to the increased volume of sales and deliveries during the holiday season, shipping may occasionally take longer than estimated.
See the Fedex Shipping Time Map below for expected shipping dates to your area from our shipping location in Detroit, Michigan. Please allow for up to 48 hours to process your order before shipping. Items usually ship in 2- 3 business days after being processed but exceptions do apply so please check product detail pages for specifics. If the items you ordered say “Online Exclusive” on the product detail page then we do not stock these items in our warehouse and delivery may take longer. Delivery to Canada may take longer. Please be aware that we only ship orders Monday through Friday.
Ground Shipping
In order to keep your cost down and our pricing simple, we ship via Fedex or freight according to the weights of the products and the current ground rate schedule. This charge, is listed on the product detail page and covers ground shipping in the continental U.S. Unless you are shipping an order to Michigan (6% sales tax), your order total will be known before you begin checkout. We won't surprise you with any hidden charges or handling fees. The price you see is the price you pay. We keep it simple-our pricing is straightforward and all-inclusive, which saves you time and energy.
Free Shipping
Items marked as free shipping will ship for free to the contiguous 48 states. Free shipping is not applicable to shipping addresses in Hawaii, Alaska, and Canada. Orders to these locations that are not charged for shipping will be contacted after the order is placed and given a shipping quote.
International Shipping
We are currently working hard on streamlining the shipping process to make it hassle-free for our Canadian neighbors. Simply call our Canadian shipping specialist, Sandy at 248-852-8600 or email her at to place your order. It is important to note the variable costs involved in international shipping through a third party carrier. This means that the goods you ordered have certain taxes added as soon as they cross into Canada and are not included in the cost of shipping.
The HST (or GST and PST where applicable) is calculated based on the cost and types of materials being brought into the country. Fees will be assessed by the courier service and a brokerage fee added for preparing these items to clear customs. These fees will be due to the third party carrier service at the time of delivery.
Our goal is to make sure that customers understand this upon purchase so as to avoid unnecessary returns. For this reason, all international orders will be contacted by phone or by email to confirm this arrangement before the order will be shipped. Once shipped, it is the responsibility of the customer to pay the courier. If the fees are then refused, the customer will be liable for the cost to return the goods.
Additionally, we would like to point out that some of our items are warehoused in a different location and ship from all over the country. Therefore, you will be contacted if any delays are expected.